
Kathmandu Dialogue - April 2023

'SAPLING is excited to announce its upcoming regional event, 'Kathmandu Dialogue', to be held in Kathmandu, Nepal, on April 24th and 25th, 2023. The two-day event will build on the discussions from SAPLING Dhaka Dialogue to further refine subjects for regional cooperation and collaboration.

Day 1 would include inaugural and context setting sessions that include key stakeholders from the Government of Nepal (Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development and the National Planning Commission), SAARC Agriculture Centre, the SAPLING Steering Committee Members and the Gates Foundation. Day 2 would include consultations on cross-cutting themes that emerged from the Dhaka Dialogue, aligned with SAPLING's priority areas.'


In line with the above, there will be 4 sessions around these themes. The panellists for these sessions include representatives from governments, the private sector, multilaterals and bilateral, international and country-based research institutions, civil society organisations,  international non-government organisations and independent experts. 

The objectives and structure of the events are highlighted in the links below.


Launched in 2019, the South Asian Policy Leadership for Improved Nutrition and Growth (SAPLING) aims to establish a regional platform for consensus building among stakeholders to combat malnutrition through evidence-based policy and action. The initiative addresses common challenges in South Asian countries' food systems by synthesizing evidence, promoting best practices, and supporting policy leadership. SAPLING's primary goal is to enable a 'food systems' approach to address malnutrition in its priority countries, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal and Sri Lanka.



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